Demande d’une infirmière diplomée pour la Garderie Alouette .
Envois CV: 79152149
Hazmieh Martakla
More information.“GlobeMed Lebanon is searching to recruit Nurse Delegates.
If you are interested, please send your CV to
“Pharmacy Layal” in Zook Mikael is looking for a registered nurse, Full time with a flexible schedule.
Interested candidates can call 03459599.
“Home Care Lebanon” ( is looking for a registered nurse to work as a sale representative .
He/She should have at least two years of experience in a hospital setting.
Car is a must. AUBMC experience is a plus.
Interested candidates can send their CVs to or call 01/511101
From 9:00 AM till 3:00 PM from Monday to Friday.
Health Care, nursing company, is seeking a full time or a part time
registered nurse to work on home visits.
BS graduate with at least 3 years of experience, car is a must.
If you are interested, kindly send your CVs to:
Contact number :01/755755
Are you a skilled and compassionate Practical Nurse looking to make a difference?
Join our team at Home Health Care and provide essential care to patients in the
comfort of their homes.
Shift:12-hour shifts (day or night)
Location: Metn and Keserwan areas, Lebanon
Job type: Full-time/Part-time
📩 Apply today! Send your CV to or contact us at 01-755755. )
مطلوب لمؤسسة لا فولوك في منطقة الفنار التي تعنى بالأشخاص من ذوي الاعاقة العقلية ممرض او ممرضة مجازة
للمراجعة: يرجى الاتصال على الرقم 01/685707 بين الساعة التاسعة صباحا والثانية عشر ظهرا
بلدية سن الفيل ترغب بالتعاقد مع ممرضة مجازة للعمل في المستوصف داخل البلدية
على الراغبين إرسال نسخة عن صورة الهوية والشهادة وصورة إذن ممارسة المهنة والسيرة الذاتية على
البريد الإلكتروني:
مستشفى ضهر الباشق بحاجة إلى ممرضات وممرضين
مجازين للعمل لديها. الرجاء إرسال السيرة الذاتية على البريد الإلكتروني
للمزيد من المعلومات الإتصال على الرقم التالي: ٧٠/١١٠١٦٢
مطلوب لمؤسسة لا فولوك في منطقة الفنار التي تعنى بالأشخاص من ذوي الاعاقة العقلية ممرض او ممرضة مجازة
للمراجعة: يرجى الاتصال على الرقم 01/685707 بين الساعة التاسعة صباحا والثانية عشر ظهرا
Emergency Team Application From (Saida Hospital)
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is looking for individuals to be part of the emergency pool providing independent, impartial assistance to people affected by the latest conflict in the south of Lebanon.
“Home Care Lebanon ( is looking for a field Registered Nurse (for Jounieh and Beirut). He/ She should have at least two years of experience in a hospital setting. Car is a must.
Interested candidates can send their CVs to or call
01/511101 from 9:00 am till 3:00pm from Monday to Friday.
ممرضة للعمل في مركز رعاية صحية أولية في جديدة المتن الخبرة في هذا المجال ضرورية
لمزيد من المعلومات الاتصال على الرقم ٠٣٧٢٤١٣٩
العمل من الاثنين إلى الجمعة من الساعة الثامنة صباحا حتى الساعة الرابعة

Home Health Care, nursing company, is seeking a part time registered nurse to work on home visits.
BS graduate with at least 3 years of experience, car is a must.
If you are interested, kindly send your CVs to:
Contact number :01/755755
Name of Organization: Medicals at the Center
Industry: Healthcare
Job Title: Registered Nurse - Beirut
Status: Full time Position
Job Description:
Medicals at the Center, a healthcare management group that provides comprehensive services for individuals, corporations, and communities, is currently looking for a Registered Nurse reporting to the Chief Executive Officer. This position is based in Beirut - Achrafieh.
More information.تطلب نقابة الممرضات والممرضين ممرض/ة مجاز/ة من حملة الماجستير ولديه خبرة لا تقل عن خمس سنوات في إدارة وكتابة ومتابعة مشاريع علمية وصحية.
على الراغبين إرسال السيرة الذاتية في مهلة أقصاها 16 آب 2024 على البريد الإلكتروني:
More information.ALRIAYA is searching for a Medical Controller to join her
Medical Team.
Kindly send your CV to
Saramed SAL is looking for a registered nurse to work as a
medical sales representative for outdoors
sales at hospitals, pharmacies and medical
- The sales representative will visit the relevant healthcare
professionals to promote the company’s
medical and surgical products and provide the needed technical support.
- He/ She should have at least two years of experience in a
hospital setting. Car is a must.
- Interested candidates can send their CVs to
For additional information, please call 01/577111 ext:111 from
10:00 am till 4:00 pm from Monday to
More information.

program are hiring registered nurse
"Home Care Lebanon is looking for an energetic registered nurse to handle administrative tasks such as quality control and hiring matters among other things.
Office hours are from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM from Monday to Friday in our Horsh Tabet, Sin El Fil office.
Pay is in fresh USD and includes NSSF.
Candidates can send their CV to"Alriaya is searching for a Medical Controller to join her
Medical Team.
Kindly send your CV to
Joelle Chemaly
Head of Administration and Human Resources
Tél: (05)
760700 EXT 301
More information.
sales at hospitals, pharmacies and medical centers.
medical and surgical products and provide the needed technical support.
If you have the required skills for this career opportunity,

sales at hospitals, pharmacies and medical centers.
medical and surgical products and provide the needed technical support.
Bellevue Medical Center is recruiting:
-Registered Nurse / Pediatrics & NICU
- CSSD Technician
Interested candidates can check the BMC website and fill the BMC online application form located at the “Join Our Team”, or send the CV by E-mail to
More information.على الراغبين ارسال السيرة الذاتية في مهلة اقصاها 7 نيسان 2023 على البريد الالكتروني:
Part time Registered nurse needed to put garments on post operative patients – for after plastic surgery.
Car is a must. Beirut – Metn area. Flexible timings. To contact Nicole Said:81626558, CV:
Home Care Lebanon ( has a vacancy for a full time project manager .Candidate should have a BS in nursing with good communication/ marketing skills and experience in ICU setting. AUB graduate is a plus. Interested candidates can send their CVs to:
An IVF Center at Sodeco – Achrafieh is hiring a Registered
Nurse for the Operation Room. For interested candidate please contact Mrs. Mira
Ezzeddine 03-560936
Home Care Lebanon (
is looking for a part time/ full time field Registered Nurse with a
minimum of two years experience for Broumana-Beit Mery area . Interested
candidates can send their CVs or call 01/511101
from 9:00am till 3:00 pm from Monday to Friday.
Garderie kitty garden situee a Ain saade / metn a besoin d’une infirmiere.
Priere de contacter le 76/ 887777.
مستشفى بشامون التخصصي تعلن عن حاجتها لممرضات وممرضين للراغيبن الرجاء ارسال السيرة الذاتية على البريد الالكتروني:
Oasis de vie- continuum of healthcare center is hiring Registered Nurses (Holder of BS in Nursing), and Practical Nurses (Holder of BT in Nursing)
Send your CV to, or apply on
Garderie l'Alouette a besoin d'une infirmière diplomée. Horaire: 7h30_14h30. Tel:05-450843 ou 79-152149. Veuillez contactez entre 9h et 14h